Angelina Villalobos
Angelina Villalobos, also known by her pseudonym 179, is a Seattle-based artist whose unique style merges elements of her upbringing as an Americanized Mexican Catholic with graffiti, anime, folklore, and fairytales.
You can see Angelina’s mural outside the front entrance of the Museum.

Since childhood, Seattle-based muralist Angelina Villalobos has dreamed of flying beyond the boundaries of our world to explore new galaxies and reach for the stars. “For this piece, I wanted to tell that story of growth,” Villalobos recalls, “not just personal, but the spirit of exploration for all of us.
Since Angelina was a child, She’s been filled with a sense of wonder and a passion for exploring new worlds. Growing up, her grandfather’s stories of his time as a sailor in WW2 and his work as a draftsman for Boeing fueled my fascination with planes and adventure. Angelina spent hours poring over books of WW2 planes and watching documentaries and movies with him, dreaming of the day when she too could go on heroic adventures.
But as Angelina got older, she realized that the stories she loved often didn’t feature people who looked like her as the heroes. Undeterred, Angelina channeled her wanderlust into sketchbooks and let he imagination take flight. Through sci-fi classics like Star Trek and Ray Bradbury, she found new worlds to explore and finally herself as the adventurous hero she’d always wanted to be.
Now, as a professional artist, Angelina gets to live out my childhood dreams every day. She takes inspiration from her adventures and the world around her, and uses her skills to bring new stories and experiences to life.