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poster series

On display on the T. Evans Wyckoff Memorial Bridge.

The Boeing 2707 Super Sonic Transport (SST) was envisioned as a passenger airliner that would carry several hundred passengers and travel at 3 times the speed of sound. These posters, from The Museum of Flight Collection, were likely used as motivational art during the development of the SST in the 1960s before the program was cancelled in 1971.

The colorful poster designs take inspiration from psychedelic art of the era. Humorous puns and slogans on them were intended to remind designers to keep the weight of the aircraft design minimal. Some of the posters were signed by Chuck Anderson, though we are unsure if he was the artist behind all the designs.

We are actively seeking more information about this poster series. If you’re able to provide more context to them, please email us at

Holden Withington Boeing SST Poster Collection/The Museum of Flight
Clarence S. Howell Collection of Boeing SST Posters/The Museum of Flight