RYAN! is a Tacoma-based visual artist who specializes in creating site-specific installations and public artworks which invite people to consider their relationships to the environment, technology, society, and culture. Her creative strategies activate engagement through interactivity, crowdsourcing, social practice, fun and humor.

Ever since we’ve be going into space, we’ve been leaving debris behind. Aura is a figurative map depicting the scale of human-made space junk that orbits Earth.
Feddersen creates visual allegories that provide the public with opportunities for exploration, introspection, and epiphany. Her method includes metaphor, historical research, traditional Plateau storytelling, and pop culture influences paired with printmaking, performance, sculpture, and digital tools. These approaches enable her work to start conversations about a broad spectrum of subjects and promote community learning.
Feddersen’s work has been featured throughout North America. Some include working with the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, 4Culture, the Regional Arts and Culture Council, ArtsWA, the Museum of Art & History Santa Cruz, and the Seattle Art Museum.