Kelsey Gallo
Kelsey Gallo is a Seattle-based illustrator and graphic designer, with a focus on print design. “I’ve been an illustrator and designer for almost 20 years now and love visual displays, print design, and chaos.” Gallo spends much of their time between freelance projects, herding cats, gardening by the Moon, starting DIY projects, drawing structurally questionable buildings, and stealing pens.
Her piece Prime Shuttle is part of the Juried Group Show in the Red Barn.

Featuring flight-inspired works from 23 artists. Explore surprising expressions in glass sculptures, experimental textiles, prints, photographs, paintings, and multimedia creations.
Prime Shuttle was created for the 2019 Anti-Space Exploitation poster show during the Salish Sea Anti-Space Symposium. The symposium asked “what’s really more important, colonizing the Moon or housing people? Putting a Tesla in orbit or studying global climate change?” Gallo responded with her piece inspired by the plastic mailers that Amazon had started using instead of cardboard.
Courtesy of Kelsey Gallo (SSASS Collective)