Dave Ginsberg
Dave Ginsberg is an analytical left-brained artist and a creative right-brained engineer. His artwork combines his passions for spaceflight, astronomy, science, teaching, and the visual arts. Ginsberg’s work is almost exclusively digital, though he would not describe it as computer generated. Using a Wacom Cintiq digital drawing tablet and pen, his approach is just as hands-on as it would be with traditional art media.
His piece Moonlight Dreams is part of the Juried Group Show.

Featuring flight-inspired works from 23 artists. Explore surprising expressions in glass sculptures, experimental textiles, prints, photographs, paintings, and multimedia creations.
Dave’s art celebrates spaceflight and space exploration. He shares his enthusiasm for space with images that are inspiring, entertaining, educational, and sometimes even whimsical and humorous. Through his imaginative artwork he hopes to tell his viewers a story with every scene.
Dave is a member of the Graphic Artists Guild, and was a member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA) and has served on its Board of Trustees.
His artwork has been displayed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Seattle’s Museum of Flight, the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., Spacefest in Tucson, Arizona, The Art of Planetary Science exhibitions at the University of Arizona, the ASF Space Rendezvous in Houston, Texas, and the Digital Arts Festival in Redmond, Washington. Dave’s 16-foot tall solar system mural was on permanent display at Seattle’s Museum of Flight from 2007 to 2017.
His work has been published in the IAAA Pulsar magazine and Dennis Jenkins’ book, Space Shuttle, Developing an Icon. Dave designed the insignia for collectSPACE which has been used as the website’s brand identity since 2013. He created the logo for the National Association of Rocketry “Pay Forward” 2017 fundraising campaign.
Three of Dave’s creations have made trips into Earth orbit and back, having flown on space shuttle Atlantis, the Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft, a SpaceX Dragon cargo spacecraft, and the International Space Station.
Dave chose aerospace engineering for his livelihood, but has always maintained his interest in art and has continued to develop his skills and style. His thirty-four year career in engineering began in 1983. Dave worked in the field of conceptual and preliminary design of aircraft ranging from helicopters to commercial airliners. Early in his career he became involved in developing software to assist in designing aircraft. It was while working on those tools that he was exposed to the capability of computers to create images.
Courtesy of Dave Ginsberg
Listed below are the items corresponding to the numbered image of Moonlight Dreams. Many of the things depicted were real books, posters, magazines, and toys that were available during the time of the Apollo flights.
- Toy Apollo Command and Service Modules (artist’s creation)
- Toy Apollo Lunar Module (artist’s creation)
- Modern Space Map, Rand McNally & Co., 1959
- LIFE magazine special edition, To The Moon And Back, August 11, 1969
- LIFE magazine, The daring contraption called LEM, March 14, 1969
- Apollo Saturn V rocket model
- Saturn V America’s Moon Rocket, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, ca. 1967
- (a) You Will Go to the Moon, 1959, (b) How and Why Wonder Book of The Moon, 1963
- Tellurian, Trippensee Planetarium Company, ca. 1940s-1950s
- G.I. Joe Mercury capsule, astronaut and helmet (with cat)
- Journey to the Moon, NASA Facts 40/11-67, 1967
- Map of the Moon, Esso/Hammond Inc, ca. 1969
- Replogle Lunar globe , ca. 1969
- Paper model, Apollo Lunar Module, Gulf Oil Company, 1969
- (a) School Bulletin, No. 25, March 18 1968, (b) Moonshot 1970, 1967
- NASA insignia shirt
- Bedspread celestial map adapted from David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries: Der nordliche gestirnte Himmel, 1833
- Toy astronaut space helmet, Ideal, ca 1960s
- Space Age, Educational Posters #117, 1959
- Apollo Manned Lunar Landing GOSS (Ground Operational Support Systems) – Mission Profile, NASA Office Manned Space Flight, 1967
- Trip to the Moon, Esso/Hammond Inc, 1969
- Solar system rendering (by the artist)
- Papier mâché Earth and Moon with glow-in-the-dark stars (artist’s creation)