Aaron Cunningham
Aaron Cunningham is an acrylic painter who currently works through North Pole Studio in Portland, Oregon. Cunningham didn’t start making art until 2008 at Brooklyn Art Space, a program run through Mentor, a disability service provider. Through Mentor, he developed his practice of acrylic painting.
His pieces Warship Omega Eagle 301 and Warship Super Eagle 151 are part of the Juried Group Show in the Red Barn.

Featuring flight-inspired works from 23 artists. Explore surprising expressions in glass sculptures, experimental textiles, prints, photographs, paintings, and multimedia creations.
Aaron is detail-oriented, focused, and has a profound sense of organization which he applies across mediums and materials. In addition to creating drawings and paintings, he is a writer and storyteller, fiber artist, and musician.
Cunningham’s creative process often begins with an extended planning phase. He starts with a subject, either historical or imagined, and then develops a complex, sometimes dark, and often humorous narrative around it.
Cunningham says of his Warship series, “[These works] are inspired by fleets of Rebellion starships from Star Wars. Within the series there are different classes of ships ranging from Eagles, Super Eagles all the way to the flagship, Ultimate Eagle.” Through fictional imaginings of space, Cunningham explores the vast unknown and mysterious nature of space travel.
Courtesy of Aaron Cunningham